Inspiration For Awareness

What To Expect
As part of a galaxy with IFA, you will surround your cells with  positive magnetic information to strengthen your driving force to a healthier lifestyle.  Expect to become discipline and selective in making healthier choices.  Be aware that you will no longer foster unhealthy habits.  You will Derobotize your body and add oxygen to your cells utilizing the skills of Aerobotiks. Fun with Fitness and Nutrition is unique and teaches you how to dance with Life and nourish your cells with high, colorful, vibratory foods.  Manipulation and articulation  stretches will  strengthen and add life to your cells through breathing techniques.

What We Do
IFA is a company that provides Health Awareness Programs and Workshops to individuals, educational institutions and fortune 500 companies, churches/communities and you. We specialize in tailoring our fitness program to those committed to a healthier lifestyle. As universal beings, we stretch high and low to make sure that each one of you take  pride in connecting with your higher consciousness for total fitness awareness.

We  know you  measure self-worth by your values, not the dollar. Therefore, IFA provides the necessary tools to help you define them. Upon accessing the tools, you will find effective life energy circulating throughout your cells shredding away excess to a more enlightened you.

1 Response to Inspiration For Awareness

  1. Lovenda says:

    So much good information! Peace to you mama!

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